In the previous chapter, through simple geometrical considerations, we managed to write down the form of the metric solution to Einstein’s equation for a homogeneous, isotropic Universe. From an unknown tensor with 10 components (because the metric is a symmetrical tensor), through symmetry arguments we have arrived at the FLRW metric, which contains just one unknown function of time a(t). To describe the dynamics of the Universe, rather than its geometry, we need to solve Einstein’s equation to understand how matter and energy content affect the expansion of the Universe via the scale factor a(t).
The energy-momentum tensor Tμν in Einstein’s equation describes the energy density and momentum fluxes in relativistic mechanics. It is a second-order tensor, constructed from the 4-momentum vector, and takes the following form:
Tμν=⎝⎛T00=energy densityT10=c×density of p1,T20=c×density of p2T30=c×density of p3T01=energy/c flux through x1T11=flux of p1 through x1T21=flux of p2 through x1T31=flux of p3 through x1T02=energy/c flux through x2T12=flux of p1 through x2T22=flux of p2 through x2T32=flux of p3 through x2T03=energy/c flux through x3T13=flux of p1 through x3T31=flux of p2 through x3T33=flux of p3 through x3⎠⎞
If the physical system studied in this local volume is not subject to any working force other than gravitation, then we have the conservation equation T;μμν=0, a set of four equations representing the local conservation equation for energy and momentum.
A few remarks on the components of this tensor:
T00 is the local ε energy density, generally the dominant component of the energy-momentum tensor;
Tii represent the flux of momentum through a surface, and hence the kinetic pressure P exerted by the physical system in the ei direction;
Tij,i=j represent momentum flows lateral to displacements, i.e. viscosity or shear phenomena.
Energy-momentum tensor in Special Relativity
For a set of N particles, the quadri-impulse density pμ is defined by Weinberg, 1972[p. 43]:
where xn(t) and pnμ(t)=(En/c,pn) are the positions and quadri-impulses of particle n at time t. The momentum flux through a surface of normal ei is :
with xn0(t)=ct. Since the energy of a massive particle is E=m2γ2v2c2+m2c4 and that of a zero-mass particle is E=∣p∣c, then we show that pnμc=En(dxnμ/cdt). Hence the energy-momentum tensor is written as a symmetrical tensor:
Now, in our hypothesis of a Universe of maximum symmetry, let’s first recall that we can define a cosmic, universal time, using the physical evolution of the Universe as a clock (matter density, CMB temperature...). The hypersurfaces of space-time parametrized by this universal time are then themselves subspaces of maximum symmetry. The T tensors representing the cosmological observables of such maximally symmetric subspaces must then be of form invariant, i.e. they remain the same functions of the spatial coordinates at a date t whatever the chosen coordinate system: if we go from a xρ system to x′ρ, we must have Tμν…′(x′ρ)=Tμν…(x′ρ). Intuitively, if T is the energy-momentum tensor, this means, among other things, that the energy density must be identical at all points for any choice of coordinate system Weinberg, 1972[p. 409]. We can then demonstrate an important property concerning the form that the tensors of these subspaces Weinberg, 1972[p. 392] must take.
Demonstration for a scalar tensor Weinberg, 1972[p. 392]
If Tμν… transforms like a tensor and is form invariant, then :
How should we interpret these mathematical considerations? Firstly, if we compare equation (14) with (1) then we identify ε with energy density and P with kinetic pressure (flow of momentum across a surface)[1]. Next, the energy-momentum tensor Tμν is identified with that of a perfect fluid. This means that in a homogeneous, isotropic Universe, matter can be described as a continuous medium, whose evolution can be described without taking into account viscosity and thermal conduction effects. The thermodynamic evolution of the Universe is therefore adiabatic. Finally, Uμ is then identified with the comobile quadri-velocity of the fluid, so the fact that Ui=0 shows that the physical system under study is at rest in the comobile coordinates, as expected.
Energy-momentum tensor of a perfect fluid Weinberg, 1972[p. 48]
Let’s study a perfect fluid, i.e. a set of particles whose mean free path is small compared with the distances at which it is studied, and without viscosity. Given the definition of an energy-momentum tensor, in the R′ frame of reference where the perfect fluid is at rest, we can write:
where ρ is explicitly the fluid’s own massic density and P its kinetic pressure (i.e. a flow of momentum across a surface). In another reference frame, that of a flow observer for example, this energy-momentum tensor is rewritten:
Equation (14) therefore corresponds well to the definition of an energy-momentum tensor for a perfect fluid in the relativistic framework.
Note that in a flat space-time, the conservation of the energy-momentum tensor of a perfect fluid allows us to recover the Navier-Stokes equation without viscosity or external forces, and the conservation of matter equation. For simplicity’s sake, let’s return to the case of an incompressible fluid, so dρ/dt=0 and non-relativistic, so P/ρc2∝(v/c)2≪1. Then:
Solving Einstein’s equation (42) involves finding a solution metric, given the distribution of matter and energy encoded in Tμν. Assuming the principles of homogeneity and isotropy for this tensor, the metric is the Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric, using the usual set of spherical comobile coordinates (ct,σ,θ,ϕ):
where a(t) is an unknown function. The scale parameter a(t) can be obtained by solving the Einstein equation knowing the content of the Universe’s energy-momentum tensor Tμν and the value of k. For the FLRW metric, its inverse is simply:
The first Friedmann equation explicitly relates the evolution of the scale factor a(t) to the energy content of the Universe. Moreover, by subtracting these two equations and combining the result with the time derivative of the first, we can obtain the energy conservation equation that would also be obtained directly by calculating T;μμν=0 in the FLRW metric:
and the expansion is isentropic.
This is to be expected, given that for a homogeneous, isotropic Universe, the energy-momentum tensor is that of a perfect fluid, i.e. without viscosity or heat transfer. Evolution is therefore adiabatic (δQ=0).
The energy-momentum tensor includes non-relativistic and relativistic matter. Relativistic matter is generally referred to as radiation, since CMB photon radiation now dominates this component.
This last relationship reflects the fact that if a box of side a containing a certain quantity of matter sees the length of its sides doubled, then the density of matter is indeed divided by 23.
The reasoning with a cubic box of side a also applies here, but if all the lengths double, so does the wavelength of the radiation, so its energy is divided by 2. The radiation energy density decreases in 24.
Non-interaction hypothesis
We have used equation (28) to deduce that non-relativistic matter has a density that evolves in a−3, whereas relativistic matter evolves in a−4. The attentive reader may have noticed that the density and pressure in equation (28) are, however, the sum of relativistic and non-relativistic densities and pressures. In a Universe with these two components, are equations (50) and (52) still valid?
Equation (28) can be deduced from thermodynamic reasoning, which may be useful here. Since the expansion of the Universe is adiabatic, the entropy variation linked to expansion is zero, so dS=0. The first principle of thermodynamics on a volume V of Universe gives :
If the two components do not interact with each other, then this last equation can be split into its two components, as two independent thermodynamic systems:
In Friedmann’s equations (27), the cosmological constant Λ and curvature k can be interpreted in terms of energy densities in the same way as the energy-momentum tensor ρ.
The energy density associated with the cosmological constant is sometimes called the dark energy density, because of the strange properties associated with it:
As we can see, the energy density associated with the cosmological constant is constant over time, so its behavior is quite unusual: whatever the size of the Universe, there is always as much energy per unit volume. It is therefore not diluted like ordinary energy when the Universe is expanding. What’s more, thanks to Friedmann’s second equation, we can see that the pressure associated with the cosmological constant would be :
a negative pressure! In ordinary physics, one of the rare phenomena where negative pressures are involved is cavitation (<wiki:Pressure#Negative_pressures). By positing ϵtot=ϵ+ϵΛ (and Ptot=P+PΛ) then combining the two Friedmann equations (27) so as to eliminate the curvature term, we obtain:
We see that the expansion of the Universe accelerates (a¨>0) if Ptot<−ϵtot/3. Since the Universe consists essentially of non-relativistic matter and radiation, the previous condition becomes equivalent to :
In conclusion, if the cosmological constant dominates the energy content of the Universe, then it generates such negative pressure that the Universe enters accelerated expansion.
Non-relativistic cold matter exerts no pressure on its external environment
from which Pm=0 hence wm=0.
Relativistic matter, on the other hand, exerts a pressure on its medium
relativistic matter exerts a pressure on its environment of Pr=ϵr/3, hence wr=1/3.
For the cosmological constant, we have PΛ=−ϵΛ, so its equation of state is
constant and negative wΛ=−1.
Curvature assimilated to a perfect fluid would have an equation-of-state parameter wk=1/3.
We can define a critical density, corresponding to the density we should have in a homogeneous, isotropic, expanding universe with zero spatial curvature (cf equation (27)):
This model of the Universe, linking the prediction of its expansion Hˉ(z) to its contents of cosmological constant, matter and radiation, is called the ΛCDM model (Λ for the cosmological constant and CDM for Cold Dark Matter) in the case k=0 (flat Universe). This is the standard model of cosmology.
What is the true nature of dark energy? Is it the manifestation of vacuum energy? A second fundamental constant of gravitation? Or a new fifth force? The manifestation of additional spatial dimensions? These questions about the nature of dark energy remain unanswered for the moment, but since the discovery of accelerated expansion in 1998 Riess et al., 1998Perlmutter et al., 1999 new cosmological surveys are underway to precisely measure dark energy’s equation of state wDE: as long as we measure wDE=wΛ=−1 then the accelerating expansion can be explained with a single parameter, which is the value of Λ. If the measurements deviate significantly from -1, then more complex models will have to be tested.
This is why today, in addition to the standard ΛCDM model, cosmologists are testing empirical models that look for deviations from the standard model:
Flat wCDM: flat Universe model with free parameters Ωm0, Ωr0 and wDE;
wCDM: any curvature model with free parameters Ωm0, Ωr0, ΩΛ0 and wDE;
w0waCDM: model where the equation-of-state parameter for dark energy is given by two free parameters:
The major challenge for current and future cosmological surveys is to measure wa, in order to measure variations in the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe.
Cosmology is an observational science. We need to infer the properties of the Universe without being able to move around or repeat the Big Bang experience, but from our observations alone. Cosmological parameters are linked to the expansion rate of the Universe H(z). So, to estimate them, we need to be able to measure H(z). This expansion rate is present in the defined proper distance and comobile distance Sec. 6, but these are not measurable. Telescopes, on the other hand, can measure luminous fluxes and angles: if we know the luminosity of the observed object or its physical size, we can define its distance and link it to the expansion rate H(z).
With the parameters c and H0, it’s possible to construct a quantity homogeneous to a length. This distance, typical in cosmology, is called the Hubble distance and is equal to :
In a static, flat space, the apparent luminosity of a source at rest at distance DL would be LE/4πDL2. We therefore propose to define the luminosity distance of a source DL(z) in cosmology as:
Let’s consider a source located in σE, emitting δNE photons of mean frequency νE at time tE during δtE (refer again to the Figure 6). Its luminosity is :
Today, the scale factor a0 is not accessible via Friedmann’s equations, which only give the expansion rate. However, it can be expressed as a function of cosmological parameters and H0:
Ωk0=−H02a02kc2⇒a0=⎩⎨⎧H0−Ωk0c if k=+1indeterminate but usually worth 1 if k=0H0Ωk0c if k=−1
We have thus obtained a link between a distance measurement obtained by measuring the Φ0 flux of a star, and a cosmological model based on parameters to be determined. By measuring the fluxes of objects of known intrinsic luminosity LE, cosmological parameters can be estimated.
The last important distance in cosmology is the angular distance of an object DA(z). In a static, flat space, the apparent angle δ of an object of physical size l at rest at distance DA would be l/DA. We therefore propose to define the angular distance DA(z) in cosmology as:
How is this distance modelled in the FLRW metric? Let’s consider an object of transverse physical size l located in σ=σE,t=tE and observed today in σ=0,t=t0.
In physical space, the angle δ is the same as in comobile space (we pass from one to the other by a homothety), but also the same at reception and transmission. The angle under which the object is seen is therefore, in all cases, and for any curvature (see Figure 8) :
with lc=l/aE the comoving size of the object at emission tE.We propose to define the comoving angular distance or comoving transverse distance simply as:
dA(z)=δlc=σE=⎩⎨⎧sinχ(z)χ(z)sinhχ(z) if k=+1 if k=0 if k=−1
From exercise Exercise 2, we can see that the use of σ instead of χ is well suited to the three types of Universe curvatures in these distance definitions.
Suppose that density of the dark energy as cosmological constant is equal to the present critical density, ρΛ=ρc. What is then the total amount of dark energy inside the Solar System? Compare this number with M⊙c2.
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