Radiative processes are crucial to the study of cosmic-ray acceleration for two reasons.
As energy losses, they limit the maximum energy reached by astrophysical accelerators (cf. diffusion-loss equation (14));
As a mechanism for producing neutral secondary particles (neutrinos, gamma-rays, neutrons) that can more easily
escape the magnetized regions where cosmic-ray electrons, protons and nuclei are accelerated.
Stable neutral secondary particles (neutrinos, gamma-rays) are not deflected by intervening magnetic fields
(in the interstellar medium, the galactic halo, the cosmic web) and thus trace the direction of the astrophysical
accelerators more
robustly than the primary charged particles.
Different loss mechanisms should be considered depending on whether the cosmic ray interacts with ambient protons
(and helium nuclei), photons, or magnetic fields. For a given cosmic-ray species (e.g. electrons), the comparison of
loss time scales, [p1dtdp]−1, or loss lengths, [p1dxdp]−1, allows us
to identify the main channels of secondary-radiation production and to model them in detail as a function of energy.
As the losses accumulate following p˙loss=∑i∈processesp˙i, the overall loss
timescale is
As expected, the fastest losses (i.e. the ones with the shortest ti) dominate the fate of the primary particle.
When multiple cosmic-ray species are present (e.g. co-acceleration of electrons and protons), we have to identify
the main losses for each species and account for the relative energy throughput per particle as well as for the
number of particles per primary species. Radiative processes are divided in two main categories, hadronic and
leptonic, depending on the nature of the primary (p or ZAX versus e− or e+).
The baryonic composition of the interstellar medium and of the cosmic web is dominated by hydrogen (about half
molecular, H2, and half atomic, as neutral HI or ionized HII in the Milky Way) and helium (about 10% in
number, that is 40% in mass in the Milky Way, see Brinks (1990)).
In dense environments, such as molecular clouds near supernova remnants and the circum nuclear medium of starburst
galaxies, proton-proton (p-p) and spallation processes can be dominant (see e.g. timescales in Condorelli et al. (2023)).
Nearly all intermediate-mass nuclei such as Li-Be-B, are produced by spallation. Leaving such nuclei
aside, the throughput of p-p and spallation processes is dominated by neutrons and protons, which in turns
mainly interact through:
The three types of pions are produced in a ``democratic’’ fashion by p-p interactions, so that the average
number of charged pion per neutral pion produced in these interactions is
Although neutrinos are produced in proportion (νe:νμ:ντ)∣source=(1:2:0),
detection is expected in proportion (νe:νμ:ντ)∣⊕=(1:1:1) due to neutrino oscillations.
The interaction of a proton leads to the production of charged and neutral pions with branching ratios of Kπ/(Kπ+1) and 1/(Kπ+1), respectively. This yields a number of neutrinos Nν=∫dEνdEνdNν=3Nπ±∝3NpKπ at energy Eν=Eπ/4 and of gamma rays Nγ=∫dEγdEγdNγ=2Nπ0∝2Np at energy Eγ=Eπ/2.
The gamma-ray and neutrino number flux thus follow the relation:
For p-p interactions, Kπ≈2 so that neutrinos are three times more numerous than gamma rays.
Although individually the neutrinos are twice less energetic than gamma rays, they carry as a population a power 1.5 times larger than the gamma rays.
The relative energy loss of the primary nucleon is called the inelasticity of the reaction, κ. The average
inelasticity per pion is thus defined as ⟨Eπ⟩=κπEp, with κπ≈20%
for p-p interactions (also valid for p-γ interactions discussed in the following, see Ahlers & Halzen (2018)).
This means that a population of 10PeV protons will produce on average 2PeV pions, which will decay in
1PeV gamma rays and 500TeV neutrinos. Note that while the neutrinos are likely to escape
interactions in their environment and on their way to Earth,
the 1PeV gamma rays could easily interact along their path with lower-energy photons to produce pairs of
electrons and positrons (see section dedicated to leptonic processes). While neutrinos and gamma-rays are expected
to be produced in about equal proportion by hadronic processes, they are not necessarily expected to arrive at Earth in such
The Lorentz boost per nucleon is roughly conserved in such interactions. This is particularly true at the highest
energies when the nuclei can be seen as a superposition of independent nucleons.
In the nucleus rest frame, R′, different nuclear/hadronic processes should be considered depending on
the target photon energy (see Allard et al. (2006)):
Giant dipole resonance for ϵγ′≈10−20MeV, i.e. a collective nuclear mode in which
the neutrons and protons oscillate in antiphase. The giant dipole resonance can lead, in the final state, to
the release of n, p, 2n, 2p, np, α;
Quasi-deuteron process for ϵγ′≈30MeV, i.e. the interaction of the photon with a pair of
nucleons that can be released by the parent nucleus;
Baryon resonance for ϵγ′≳150MeV, i.e. the interaction of the photon with single
nucleons. This process is similar to the p-γ and n-γ processes discussed in the following
In the nucleon’s rest frame, the threshold for pair and pion production are about 1MeV and 140MeV, respectively. The energy loss-length, λ=⟨(E1dXddE)−1⟩, depends on
product of the cross section and of the inelasticity (energy-loss fraction) of the reaction. This product, which is
nearly constant at energies larger than a few times the threshold energy, is two orders of magnitude larger for pion
production than for pair production, so that the former dominates over the latter at the highest energies.
The various loss processes relevant for the propagation of ultra-high energy cosmic rays on cosmological scales are
illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1:Energy loss length of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays as a function of energy. Different nuclei are illustrated in
different colors. The relevant processes are shown with different line styles.
At the lowest energies, below 1EeV, the losses are dominated by the
so-called adiabatic cooling, which is driven by the expansion of the universe, indeed:
As a refresher, two properties of the invariant mass are used when computing a threshold energy. First, the norm of
the four-momentum is conserved in the reaction, i.e. it is the same in the initial and final states. Second, this
norm is Lorentz invariant, which allows us to compute it in the rest frame for the final state rather than in the
lab frame. The threshold energy is by definition such as the particles in the final state are produced at rest in
the center-of-mass frame. In the following calculation, we adopt the convention c=1 for simplicity.
The conservation of the invariant mass for the reaction p+γ→p+π0 gives:
A particle of energy E, mass m and charge Ze emits synchrotron radiation in a magnetic field B. Averaged over
angle θ, such as cosθ=βBβ⋅B, the synchrotron energy loss reads
(see e.g. chapter 14 of Jackson (1999)):
Note that the synchrotron loss rate increases with energy and that, for a fixed Lorentz boost γ=E/mc2, the
rate goes as 1/m3. If the loss rate becomes dominant with respect to
the acceleration rate, the maximum energy is limited by the losses (so-called synchrotron burn-off limit).
The synchrotron radiation is emitted as photons over a range of frequencies, ν. The power emitted by a single
proton per frequency unit reads
where ∫dνfsync(νcν)=1 so that P(γ)∣sync≡∫dνPν(ν,γ)∣sync=−dtdE∣∣sync, and where the critical frequency, averaged over
pitch angle, is νc=163mZeBγ2.
The peak of the photon spectrum is at Epeak=αhνc, where α≈0.3 corresponds
to the maximum of fsync(x).[1] Using the value of the nuclear magneton, μN=2mpeℏ≈π×10−14MeVT−1, one finds:
Synchrotron emission from ultra-high energy protons at 1018eV in a magnetic field of 1G can thus
end up as photons in the MeV range. This process has sometimes been invoked to explain the gamma-ray emission from
the jetted active galactic nuclei. In the next section, we will look at alternative leptonic mechanisms.
For a given Lorentz boost, the synchrotron losses −dtdE∣∣sync go as m−2
so that the emission from electrons can be sizeable with respect to that of protons. In what follows, we mostly
discuss electrons but synchrotron could also be expected e.g. from positrons if there are no electrons around.
Otherwise, the positrons and electrons annihilate resulting, for particles nearly at rest, in a 511keV
emission that is observed e.g. along the Galactic ridge.
Equation (20) can be used to determine the peak energy of the emission from e.g. 500GeV
electrons in a 1mG field:
So, in a mG field, 0.5TeV electrons radiate in the UV, while 5TeV electrons radiate in X-rays
at 0.4keV.
Synchrotron radiation from electrons thus explains the emission from radio to optical wavelengths
(sometimes up to X-rays) of most non-thermal sources.
We can take the calculation one step further and determine the expected spectrum for the synchrotron emission (a
similar derivation can of course be made for protons). Consider a number density of electrons, ne, following a
power law of energy or Lorentz boost γ, i.e.
where Pν is the power emitted by a single electron, as defined in Equation (19).
To simplify the problem, we assume that the distribution function of emission as a function of photon frequency is
sharply peaked around ανc=γ2νref, where νref=163αmeeB does not depend on the electron Lorentz boost. The assumption of a sharply peaked function is called
the delta approximation:
i.e. a differential photon spectrum following a power-law, dEγdN∝Eγ−1.5, from
γmin2νref∝γmin2B to γmax2νref∝γmax2B.
The observed range of frequencies covered by the photons can provide constraints on the range of Lorentz boosts
covered by the electrons, provided the magnetic field, and the observed flux normalisation constrains the
product of the magnetic field with the number of electrons in the emitting region.
The inverse Compton process, which is symmetrical to the Compton process, consists of the scattering of an energetic
electron onto a photon, resulting in an energy gain for the photon:
where the initial photon and electron have energies Eγ1=hν1 and Ee1=γmec2 in the
observer’s frame.
There are two regimes to be considered for this scattering in the rest frame R′ of the electron (see
Chapter 9.3 in Longair (2011)):
Thomson regime: hν1′≈γhν≪mec2. In the Thomson regime, the cross section is independent
of the photon energy, σ≈σT, and the outgoing photon has an energy hν2′=hν1′
with an opposite momentum. Back in the observer frame, the energy of the outgoing photon is hν2≈γhν2≈γ2hν2, which result in a net gain of energy by a factor ∝γ2.[2]
Klein-Nishina regime: hν1′≳mec2. In the Klein-Nishina regime, the recoil of the electron
cannot be neglected and the cross section is suppressed as σ∝(hν1′)−1. The conservation of
energy in the observer’s frame tells us that the energy gain of the photon is at most hν2−hν1=(γ−1)mec2, that is a gain ∝γ for an ultrarelativistic electron.
The inverse-Compton energy loss of an electron in an isotropic radiation field of energy density urad reads:
Note that synchrotron radiation can be viewed as the inverse-Compton scattering of virtual photons associated to the
magnetic field (so-called method of virtual quanta). This is the fundamental reason behind the similarity of the
inverse-Compton and synchrotron energy loss in Equation (16). We can then write
The radiation field can have different origins depending on the environment. We speak of external inverse Compton
when the photon field does not come directly from the electron population. For example, it can be an
optical/infrared photon field from the environment of the compact object (e.g. accretion disk) or a diffuse photon
field such as the CMB for an extended emission region.
A special case, found in many non-thermal sources, is when the scattered photon field comes from the electrons
themselves, namely their synchrotron emission. This is known as the synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model. The energy
density in the spherical region of radius R is related to the synchrotron luminosity of this region by the
relation (see e.g. Section 6 in Ghisellini (2013)):
The SSC luminosity of an electron population of density n0 and Lorentz factor γˉ is simply its
synchrotron luminosity scaled by a factor n0σTR/2 and shifted to frequencies larger by a factor of
2γˉ2. The same conclusion can be reached for a power-law distribution of the Lorentz boost of
the electrons as in Equation (22):
The SSC spectrum has the same photon index as the synchrotron spectrum. As we have shown in Equation (26),
the frequency range covered by the synchrotron photons goes from
γmin2νref to γmax2νref, where νref∝B. The
frequency range covered by the SSC photons should then go from 2γmin4νref to 2γmax4νref, when we neglect the Klein-Nishina effect. Note though that for γmaxhν1≳mec2, which is verified e.g. for γmax=106 and hν1=Epeak∣sync≈4eV×(1mGB)(106γ)2, the scattering occurs in the
Klein-Nishina regime so that the SSC peak emission can reach an energy of Epeak∣SSC≈γmaxmec2≈0.5TeV.
Irrespective of the scattering regime, the ratio of the amplitude of the SSC and synchrotron peaks provides
constraints on the product of the density of the region of its size, while the peak energies (or better their ratio
in the Thomson regime) constrain the maximum Lorentz factor of the electrons.
The Bremsstrahlung emission, i.e. the radiation of an electron in the electromagnetic field of a
nucleus, is relevant in an astrophysical context when the density of matter (neutral or ionised hydrogen/helium) is
sufficiently high, as for the p−p process. Through Bremsstrahlung emission, the electron can lose a substantial
fraction of its kinetic energy T=(γ−1)mec2. For a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution with β≪1
and T≈21me(βc)2, we speak of thermal Bremsstrahlung or free-free emission, as the electron
is not bound to the nucleus with which it interacts in either the initial or final states.[3] Thermal
Bremsstrahlung emission is found, for example, in the warm-hot plasma of galaxy clusters and explains their X-ray
continuum radiation up to 21me(βc)2=2.5keV×(0.1β)2.
Non-thermal Bremsstrahlung is found in the interstellar medium, particularly in molecular clouds close to supernova
remnants. This non-thermal radiation explains some of the gamma-ray emission from molecular clouds up to energies of (γ−1)mec2≈0.5TeV×(106γ), in addition to the emission processes discussed
The energy loss of an electron through Bremsstrahlung depends on the radiation length of the electrons in the medium,
X0 in gcm−2, so that:
The Bremsstrahlung loss rate, −E1dtdE∣∣Brem,
is independent of the electron energy, contrarily to synchrotron and inverse Compton loss rates which go as
∝E. As all electrons are affected by Bremsstrahlung in the same manner, the photon index of the
Bremsstrahlung spectrum is the same as the electron index.
A comparison of the various emission mechanisms invoked in a lepto-hadronic model for the emission of a supernova
remnant interacting with a molecular cloud are shown in Figure 2. The energy flux of the
synchrotron and external inverse-Compton components goes as Eγ2dEγdNγ∝Eγ0.5. We can thus infer that electrons are injected in the model with a slope of s≈2. This
confirmed by the Bremsstrahlung component, which is flat (Eγ2dEγdNγ∝Eγ0 i.e. dEγdNγ∝Eγ−2) between ∼1MeV and
∼1TeV. Finally, while the leptonic emission fully explains the synchrotron peak from radio to X rays,
hadronic emission is included to model the high-energy component. This hadronic emission from the p−p process results
in π0 decay, with a flat spectrum from ∼100MeV to ∼1TeV corresponding to
the proton index s≈2.[4] Note the characteristic feature of the pion bump, with a sharp break close to
half the pion mass at ∼70MeV. This break has now been observed in the several bright supernova
remnants interacting with molecular clouds in the energy range covered by the Fermi-LAT satellite, demonstrating the
co-acceleration of protons and electrons in these environments.
Figure 2:Spectral energy distribution, i.e. energy flux as a function of photon energy from
radio wavelengths to TeV gamma rays, of the supernova remnant SN 1006 interacting with a molecular cloud. The
radiation processes are indicated with lines of different colors and styles, as indicated in the figure. Extracted
from H.E.S.S. Collaboration (2010).
We have seen that the peak synchrotron energy depends linearly on the magnetic field and quadratically on the
electron Lorentz boost. Inverting Equation (21) to find the electron Lorentz boost, one gets:
The observed thickness of the filaments is R=dtanθ≈2.4kpc×36002.5×180π≈30mpc. If the observed size of the filaments is limited by diffusion,
rdiff=R, we get a magnetic field
The exact form of the function f, which depends on the survival function of the
modified Bessel function of order 5/3, is not necessary for the development of the argument. For more details, see
Rybicki & Lightman (1986).
For an energy-independent inelasticity, the pions and the photons have the same index as the protons,
following the same argument as for Bremsstrahlung emission.
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